"I want to be a light, to emit light. I want to be a vision, a symbol of something authentic, eclectic and magical."

About Cresent Haynes aka MoonGem

I attended and graduated from the illustrious Howard University’s Department of Theatre Arts. There I received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Theatre Arts Technology, with a focus in Sound Design.​

I’ve been a professional freelance Sound Designer for Live Theatre and a Live Audio Engineer since 2013. The arts have always been my passion.

Art has always been my therapy. A way for me to escape, release the thoughts, the feelings and express myself; especially when words just aren’t enough.

The name MoonGem came about while in high school. Simply put, because my name is Cresent, I’ve always had a special love for the moon. Cres(c)ent moon and I’m a GEMini.

I recently decided to make the jump from part time visual artist, to full time visual artist. As a visual artist I hope to inspire others through her art, art initiatives and giving back to the community.

My aspirations still include of one-day designing on Broadway and touring with various performing artists as their live sound engineer, while still doing Sound for Film/TV and cultivating my philanthropic and activism endeavors. 

To help my brand and artistic endeavors grow, I am now CEO and Founder of two businesses. Emitted Visions Entertainment LLC, a full service, live entertainment, film and tv production company with several divisions. Authentic Eclectic Magic LLC, an art and creative directing initiative that produces original experiences, exhibits, installations and galleries.

My businesses and art allow me to grow, to find freedom in my own voice. I hope that others can connect with my art and find their own meaning; their own interpretation, and be inspired to use their own voice. I want to be a light, to emit light. I want to be a vision, a symbol of something authentic, eclectic and magical.

“Art, at its simplest, is a form of communication.”

Enjoy the journey.
